Small Business and SEO

Small Business and SEO

Social media has been a fantastic marketing tool for my small business. The first of many highlights for my small business was when I won @TheoPaphitis #SBS (Small Business Sunday) on 16th October 2011, which led to adding a page about the win and additional content...
Positive impact of #SBS on Small Business

Positive impact of #SBS on Small Business

Positive impact of #SBS on Small Business 2018 marks the 7th year as a Theo Paphitis #SBS winner and as I’m feeling in a reflective mood, thought I’d share the impact this Twitter retweet has had on the business. Initial Impact On Sunday 11th October 2011...
Square Card Payments

Square Card Payments

Square Card Payments Aqua Design Group was introduced to Square at Theo Paphitis #SBS winner event #SBSevent2018 as they are one of the new #SBS Sponsors What is Square? Card system that enables business to take payment over the phone, chip and...
#SBSevent2018 Event Blog

#SBSevent2018 Event Blog

#SBSevent2018 Event Blog The highlight for the business each year is spending some time catching up with fellow Theo Paphitis #SBS winners at the annual meet-up event, which takes place at ICC Birmingham. The day before The event usually starts the day before with a...