Small Business, Social Media
Social media has been a fantastic marketing tool for my small business. The first of many highlights for my small business was when I won @TheoPaphitis #SBS (Small Business Sunday) on 16th October 2011, which led to adding a page about the win and additional content...
Motivation, Small Business, Social Media
It’s the end of yet another fantastic meet-up for Theo Paphitis #SBS winners in Birmingham and time as always to share what went on. Early arrivals Ever since the first event in 2012 when I rocked up on the day of the event and was shattered on the evening post...
Branding, Marketing, Small Business, Social Media
As a small business you sometimes wonder how you can compete with multimedia advertising from businesses far larger that yourself. My advice would be don’t. Utilise the assets you do have, so you can be different from your larger counterparts and be more...
Branding, Brochures, Leaflets, Marketing, Social Media, Stationery
Building a leaflet sandwich.. yummy! Within our industry we come across all sorts of material that are used to advertise business, be it leaflets, menus or brochures. We thought we’d run through some hints and tips that could help your business when designing...
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