Small Business and SEO

Small Business and SEO

Social media has been a fantastic marketing tool for my small business. The first of many highlights for my small business was when I won @TheoPaphitis #SBS (Small Business Sunday) on 16th October 2011, which led to adding a page about the win and additional content...
9th Anniversary of Theo Paphitis #SBS win

9th Anniversary of Theo Paphitis #SBS win

9th Anniversary of Theo Paphitis #SBS win I won Theo Paphitis #SBS (Small Business Sunday) a year and a week after the competiton was first started by Mr P after his kitchen table eureka moment in 2010, at the time I was finding my feet on social media and stumbled...
#SBSevent2019 event blog

#SBSevent2019 event blog

#SBSevent2019 event blog So another year has passed and even though it’s only been a week since the event it seems longer. I thought I’d write about what happened for me at #SBSevent2019. The journey After the first event at Edgbaston in 2012, in which I...